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Gift A Wine Club Membership!   

Click Here to Gift a Membership!

Give the wine lover’s gift that keeps on giving!  With a gift membership, you can choose the club you'd like to offer and manage your billing, while your guest will receive the qaurterly packages and all the membership benefits..  A great holiday or birthday gift!  Click Here to Gift a Membership!

Benefits for your giftee will include:

  • No set up fee required
  • Quarterly Wine Club packages of three or six bottles of wine, with your choice of reds only
  • 10% savings on all Tasting Room purchases, including wine by the glass, food, bottles, merchandise, and RENEWs
  • Members-only all day happy hour on Wednesdays #winesday
  • Complimentary Rev Tastings for member plus one guest
  • Quarterly Pick-Up party to include complimentary food & wine pairings for members, plus a guest
  • Priority access to special events, cellar school, & limited release wines

Pricing: 3 bottles ($65-$80/quarterly); 3 bottles - Red Only ($75-$90/quarterly); 6 bottles ($130-$160/quarterly); 6 bottles - Red Only ($150-$180/quarterly)

please note that all cancellations need to be done by e-mail to wineclub@revolution-wines.com or click here and we require a minimum of two shipments prior to cancellations.  You must follow the link at the top of this page in order to sign up for our gift club membership, purchasing this 'product' will not sign you up.